Bentley Descartes 2023

Erase tool settings


Use to select the shape of the brush. Available options are listed below.

  • Rectangular Brush: Select a rectangle to define the brush size or set the size with the height and width parameters provided. If Use Last Brush Size is selected for this option then the previous brush will be used and no prompt will be made to define a new brush.

  • Circular Brush: Select a circle to define the brush size or set the size with the radius parameter provided. If Use Last Brush Size is selected for this option then the previous brush will be used and no prompt will be made to define a new brush.

  • Oblique Brush: Select three points to define the oblique brush size. If Use Last Brush Size is selected for this option then the previous brush will be used and no prompt will be made to define a new brush.

  • Area: Paints the area defined by the area selection below.


Use to select the area to paint. Available options are listed below.

  • Block: Using the pointer, select two data points to create a block.

  • Oriented Block: Using the pointer, select two data points to create an oriented block.

  • Element: Using the pointer, select an existing closed vector element.

  • Shape: Using the pointer, draw a shape.

  • Image: Erases the entire image.

  • Pixel: Paints only the pixel under the cursor.
Work in Image Plane

Used to turn the Work in Image Plane feature ON or OFF.

If ON, the brush area is drawn and moved in the image plane and dynamically projected on the selected raster in the direction of the active view. If OFF, the brush area is drawn and moved in the view plane and dynamically projected on the selected raster in the direction of the active view. If ON, the Fence area is not available.

Use Fence

Used to turn the Use Fence feature ON or OFF.

When Use Fence is ON, the tool works on the raster(s) overlapped by the fence and ignores the selected raster(s). If the fence mode is not set to “Clip”, it will be used but treated as a fence clip. The area option button is grayed out. When Use Fence is OFF, the tool works on the selected raster(s). The area option button is available.